Produse pentru radiouri de mobil (10)

Fascicul de cablu HF - Clema de cablu pentru radio mobil

Fascicul de cablu HF - Clema de cablu pentru radio mobil

Nel campo della tecnica di montaggio, i serracavi per telecomunicazioni per il fissaggio dei cavi HF ai pali sono la nostra particolare specialità. Questi serracavi sono costituiti da un telaio a C con piedini di fissaggio (per il montaggio su un profilo a C o su una barra piatta) e da una vite di fissaggio con rondella di spinta pressata. Quadro a C I telai a C sono parti stampate e piegate che, a seconda delle dimensioni, sono dotati di sigilli laterali per l'irrigidimento e la stabilizzazione. Le viti di fissaggio hanno una testa esagonale standard. Grazie alla progettazione e alla scelta dei materiali, una tenuta sicura dopo il serraggio è garantita anche senza controdado. Si raccomanda una coppia di serraggio di 1,5 Nm. Il montaggio su barre piatte è possibile fino ad uno spessore del materiale di 9,3 mm. Intarsio Le canaline portacavi sono smussate per un rapido montaggio o per un facile inserimento nel telaio a C.


HOCHKOMPATIBEL PTT Smart Button ist mit Android und iOS kompatibel. Sie können es einfach mit AINA Small Talk oder anderen Push-to-talk-PTT-Apps von Partnern koppeln . Es verbindet sich auch mit anderen Walkie-Talkies. EINFACHES UND FUNKTIONELLES DESIGN Mit PTT-Schalter und Notruftaste in robuster Ausführung. Sie können den härtesten Umgebungsbedingungen und versehentlichen Beschädigungen durch den Benutzer standhalten. Zur einfachen Befestigung ist das Gerät mit Clip oder Klettverschluss erhältlich. MEHRERE VERWENDUNGEN UND BENUTZER PTT Smart Button funktioniert effektiv in Arbeitsumgebungen, die einfache, unabgelenkte Kommunikationsgeräte erfordern.
Antene Dipol Pliate VHF

Antene Dipol Pliate VHF

Dipole antenna band (16 = 160 MHz) Frequency range, MHz 136 – 176 Bandwidth @ SWR < 1,5, MHz 40 Elements 1 – 4 Gain, dBd (1/4 λ dipole to mast spacing) 0, 3, 6 Gain, dBd (3/8 λ dipole to mast spacing) 3; 5,6; 9 Power rating, W 200 Overall dimensions, mm 3/8λ spacing H900/2200/4800 D 1100/1100/1100
Sirena de Alarmă a Poliției

Sirena de Alarmă a Poliției

Car Alarm Police Siren Horn Security Systems 100W DC 12V Car Loudspeaker Horn 5 Tone Siren Horn Car Megaphone Siren Loudspeaker Detail 100W Speaker gives very loud sound about 300 decibels at full volume. 5 Siren sounds:Hooter/Ambulance/Traffic/police/Fire alarm Package:63X55X28CM/10SETS


Ricevitori radio mobili per la lettura a distanza via radio di dispositivi e contatori dotati di interfaccia di comunicazione standard wireless MBus (EN 13757). I dati raccolti possono essere messi a disposizione in formati standard per la successiva analisi (bilanci idrici, ricerca perdite, etc.) o fatturazione. La lettura a distanza walkby o driveby del contatore è di notevole vantaggio quando l’accesso al contatore è difficile o problematico. Garantisce, inoltre, di contenere la spesa generale per l’implementazione di un sistema di telelettura. In qualsiasi momento è possibile passare al sistema fisso di lettura tramite un concentratore.
Antene YAGI VHF cu vibrator pliat

Antene YAGI VHF cu vibrator pliat

Heavy duty 3 or 5 elements directional antenna with folded dipole as driven element designed for various point to point as well as point/multipoint application when wide bandwidth, mechanical strength and durability are important. Folded driven element incorporates “balun” matching circuit optimized for wide bandwidth and accurate matching. All components of antenna are DCgrounded for better lighting and antistatic protection. Elements 3/5 Frequency range, МHz 148 – 174/148 – 174 Bandwidth, MHz 26/26 SWR < 1,5 /< 1,5 Power rating, W 200/200 Gain, dBd 5.6/8 Front to Back ratio, dB 20/20 Beamwidth (H-plane) 105/48 Beamwidth (E-plane) 50/40 Nominal impedance, Ohm 50/50 Dimensions (HхL), мм 900 x 1000/900 x 1500 Weight, kg 1,6/2,0
Antene Dipol UHF - Antene Dipol UHF Pliante

Antene Dipol UHF - Antene Dipol UHF Pliante

UHF dipole antennas (45=450MHz 1-8 elements) for extensive range of applications – trunking radio systems, military communications, dispatch base stations, amateur radio repeaters, etc.
Combinator Hibrid de Transmițător - Combinatoare Hibrid de Transmițător

Combinator Hibrid de Transmițător - Combinatoare Hibrid de Transmițător

Horwin CH-V/Ux-x series is a hybrid combiners with ferrite isolators used for combining several VHF/UHF transmitters into one antenna with close frequency spacing. Combiners are configured in sets of 2 or 4 channels. There are two model versions – single or dual ferrite isolators depending on the required Tx – Tx isolation and (or): low power– up to 50 watts and high – up to 100.Nominal impedance is 50 Ohms. N-type “female” connectors are used for input/output connections. Combiners are mounted on standard EIA 19” panel 3 U high and 355 mm depth. Combiners are tuned at customer specified frequencies, so transmit frequencies should be specified when ordering. CH combiner (hybrid) x frequency range (V=VHF, U=UHF) x number of Tx channels x isolator type (1=single, 2=dual) x input power (L=50W, H=100W)
Combinate de Transmițătoare cu Cavitate - Combinate de Transmițătoare cu Cavitate VHF/UHF de 8”

Combinate de Transmițătoare cu Cavitate - Combinate de Transmițătoare cu Cavitate VHF/UHF de 8”

Horwin CB8-V/Ux-x series is low insertion loss combiners with ferrite isolators used for combining several transmitters into one antenna with up to 125 kHz (VHF) and 200 kHz (UHF) frequency spacing. Combiners are configured in sets of 2, 3 or 4 channels. There are two model versions – single or dual ferrite isolators depending on the required Tx–Tx isolation. Nominal impedance is 50 Ohms with typical input SWR <1.5. Mounting option is specified by customer (e.g. “free standing”, vertically or horizontally into EIA 19” etc). N-type “female” connectors are used for input/output connections. Combiners are tuned at customer specified frequencies, so transmit frequencies should be specified when ordering.
Duplexere Compacte pentru Stații de Bază - Seria Horwin DF-V/UM6-x sunt filtre duplex compacte pentru stații de bază cu 6 cavități.

Duplexere Compacte pentru Stații de Bază - Seria Horwin DF-V/UM6-x sunt filtre duplex compacte pentru stații de bază cu 6 cavități.

“Band pass/reject” duplexer is ideal for repeaters, duplex base stations and other applications when combining of both receive and transmit frequencies into a single antenna is needed. The high Q’s of the filter enable the duplexer to work with narrow duplex spacing and to keep low insertion losses. There are two model versions regarding power handling capability – low power up to 50 watts continuously and high – up to 150 watts. The filter’s cavities are made of extruded aluminium. All coaxial cables used are semi-rigid silver plated. Cables and connectors are with PTFE insulation. Filters are covered with black polymer powdered coating. Each filter is individually made and tuned, so receive and transmit frequencies should be specified when ordering. DF duplex filter x frequency range (V=VHF, U=UHF) M6 “mobile” type, 6 cavities S helically resonator x input power (L=50W, H=150)